The employee is entitled to the following leaves:
- Recreational Leave: Full-time employees are entitled to 20 working days of paid recreational leave for each full year of service with the organization and based on a 40-hour workweek.
- Sick Leave: Employees may take up to 20 sick leave days per year with the preservation of salary. Any sick leave longer than 5 days requires certification from an authorized medical center.
- Maternity Leave: Female employees are entitled to 90 days of paid maternity leave, 30 days of which is taken before delivery of the child. An additional 15 days of maternity leave is granted in the event of delivery of twins or complications during delivery. Payment of salary and other entitlements is conditional upon the presentation of the hospital certificate.
- Hajj Leave: Employees may request up to 45 paid leave days for the performance of the Hajj or pilgrimage to other sacred places. In order to benefit from this type of leave, the employee has to present a certificate from the Ministry of Hajj and Religious Affairs to the employer, as proof that the leave days were used for pilgrimage purposes. Hajj leave may be taken once in a lifetime.
- Urgent Leave: Employees are entitled to 10 days of urgent leave every year. This leave is paid and employees are also entitled to other allowances during the leave, as is the case for recreational leave. Urgent leaves are generally requested for urgent family matters.