Afghan Tax Calculator

Salary Tax

What is the total monthly salary (gross salary)?

A Summary of Salary Withholding Tax
Monthly Salary Withholding Amount
0 to 5,000AFN 0%
5,000AFN to 12,500AFN 2% of amount over 5,000AFN
12,500AFN to 100,000AFN 150AFN + 10% over 12,500AFN
Over 100,000AFN 8,900AFN + 20% over 100,000AFN
Payment Due Date:
10 days after the end of Solar Hijri month in which payment was made.

Rental Tax

How much are you paying/collecting in rent?

A Summary of Rental Withholding Tax
Monthly Rent Withholding Amount
0 to 10,000AFN 0%
10,000AFN to 100,000AFN 10% flat
Over 100,000AFN 15% flat
Payment Due Date:
15 days after the end of Solar Hijri month in which payment was made.

Contractors Tax

How much do you pay your vendor/contractor? (Sum of all invoices for the fiscal year)

A Summary of Contract Withholding Tax
Annual Payments to Contractors Withholding Amount
0 to 500,000AFN 0%
Over 500,000AFN to a licensed contractor 2% flat
Over 500,000AFN to a non-licensed contractor 7% flat
Payment Due Date:
10 days after the end of Solar Hijri month in which payment was made.

Business Receipts Tax

What was the total receivable amount for this quarter?

A Summary of Business Receipts Tax (BRT)
Industries Rate
Airlines, Telecommunications, & Superior Hospitality Industries 10% flat
Regular Hospitality Industries 5% flat
All other industries 4% flat
Payment Due Date:
15 days after the end of the Solar Hijri quarter in which payment was received.

Annual Income Tax

What's the annual net income?

A Summary of Annual Income Tax
Entity Type Net Income Tax Rate
Legal Persons:
Corporations, LLCs, & sole proprietors with a business name on their licences
Over 0AFN 20% flat
Natural Persons:
Individuals, sole proprietors with no business name on their licences, & partners in a general partnership
0 to 60,000AFN 0%
60,000AFN to 150,000AFN 2% over 60,000AFN
150,000AFN to 1,200,000AFN 1,800AFN + 10% over 150,000AFN
Over 1,200,000AFN 106,800AFN + 20% over 1,200,000AFN
Payment Due Date:
Within 3 months of the end of the Afghan fiscal year.

This website intents to provide a brief summary of the most common taxes in Afghanistan and a tool to calculate taxes accurately and timely. Not all types of taxes and related penalties are presented here. For a comprehensive understanding and calculation of your taxes, please schedule a time with us.